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Check Out Our OMNI Cryo Systems at AVS in Columbus

Visit our booth and receive a 10% discount on OMNI® Helium Compressor purchases and a 20% discount on all backing pumps, roughing pumps and vacuum hardware purchased through December 31, 2019.

We invite you to the 2019 AVS Symposium and Exhibition in Columbus, Ohio.  You’ll see the new OMNI® Helium Compressor which drives multiple manufacturers’ cryopumps on the same tool at the same time.

DEPLOY an OMNI® Helium Compressor and operate both standard and auto-regen cryopumps from different manufacturers on the same tool at the same time.

  • OMNIs drive Sumitomo Marathon®, CTI-Brooks CryoTorr®, CTI-Brooks On-Board®, Oxford-Trillium Cryo-Plex®, and Ulvac Cryo-U® cryopumps.
  • OMNIs drive 3-phase and 2-phase configured pumps.

DRIVE cyropumps selected and installed based on performance, quality, serviceability, and support, instead of what is available from a single OEM.

all of the above equipment from a single provider which includes full warranty coverage.

of the OEM technology silo that may be limiting your process and equipment performance.

OMNI 800 Helium Compressor

Click for a closer look

System Benefits

Work with improved system flexibility and performance

OMNI® Helium Compressors drive multiple standard and auto-regen cryogenic pumps, made by different manufacturers, at the same time on the same tool.  Consequently, you can select cryopumps based on performance, quality, serviceability, and support, instead of what is available from a single OEM.

Run longer and flatter between regens

OMNI® Helium Compressors drive multiple cryopumps, and Sumitomo Marathon® pumps often have higher pumping speeds and carrying capacities compared to many competing pumps.

Save substantial time and money when helium side rebuilds are needed

OMNI Cryo Systems use Sumitomo Marathon® Cryo pumps’ hot swap feature which enable end users to change out worn displacers in 45 to 60 minutes and return to cooldown and processing.  There is no need to change out the whole pump and crate, insure, ship and wait weeks for a pump rebuild and then return ship, uncrate, re-install etc.

Provide a better health, safety and environmental workplace

The Marathon® hot swap feature eliminates the risks associated with dropping and re-installing very heavy pumps when only a helium side rebuild is needed.

Whisper™ Quiet Technology on Marathon® cryopumps provide quiet, low vibration, pneumatic operation combined with world–class performance and reliability. Global OEMs chosen over 10,000 Marathon® units for MRI helium re-liquefaction at hospitals and clinics due to their quiet performance and longevity.

Break out of the single OEM technology silo that may be limiting your process and equipment performance.

Operate in confidence with an integrated warranty

SynSysCo warrants, services and supports OMNI Cryo Systems including pumps from other manufacturers that are integrated into an OMNI® system.

Change the adsorber less frequently

OMNI® Helium Compressors have 30,000-hour adsorber changes due to their triple filter design.

Use global support when needed

OMNI® Helium Compressors are supported by 7 service centers located in the USA, Japan, China, South Korea, Germany and the UK.