The OMNI Solution
Features and Benefits:
- OMNIs drive, CTI OnBoard®, CTI CryoTorr®, Trillium CryoPlex® and Sumitomo Marathon® Cryopumps on the same tool at the same time.
- OMNIs are replacement compressors to run any of the above cryopumps on any existing tool.
- Remove the old compressor, roll in an OMNI, hook-up existing utilities & cables and run your pump.
- Operate standard pumps and auto-regen pumps at the same time.
- Drive 3-Phase or 2-Phase pumps
- Incrementally Upgrades Cryogenic Systems
- The ability to integrate Sumitomo Marathon® pumps provides the ability to incrementally upgrade performance while also maintaining backward compatibility and retaining backup use of existing pumps.
- Full Compatibility on Networked Tools:
- OMNI® Cryogenic Systems use the OMNI ® PTE Module to integrate Sumitomo Marathon® pumps with Networked Tools. This provides upgrade opportunities other than the existing OEM’s pumps. The Marathon is integrated into the Tool’s Host Computer through the existing Network Controller.
End Users escape the Technology Silo of a single OEM, secure an alternative supply of equipment, and can incrementally upgrade components as needed for Fab cryogenic system operations.